We've found 314 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Pasta.
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Wine: Red wine
Kind: Fra stille til mousserende
Taste: Sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Northeast of Asti, in the municipality of Casorzo, is produced the sweet red wine Malvasia di Casorzo. The vineyards are located in the municipalities of Casorzo, Grana, Grazzano, Vignale Monferrato, Altavilla, Ottiglio, Badoglio and Olivola, in the Alessandria province.
Malvasia di Casorzo has a cousin cultivated northwest of Asti. It's called Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco and is considered to be the most aromatic of the two dessert wines.
There is, as previously mentioned, a sweet red wine, often bubbly or fully sparkling, and in many ways reminiscent of the great Piedmont dessert Brachetto . However, Malvasia di Casorzo is often a bit more acidic than this.
The grapes used are the local black Malvasia di Casorzo (90-100%) with the permitted addition of Freisa and / or Grignolino and Barbera and / or local aromatic grapes (0-10%). P >
Malvasia di Casorzos has a color which varies from pink (known as Cerasuolo) to ruby red. The scent is distinctive and characteristic of this Malvasia, and the taste is sweet, slightly aromatic, soft and characteristic.
The minimum alcohol content is 10.5%, of which at least 4.5% residual sugar.
There is also a fully sparkling Malvasia di Casorzo Spumante, which is more or less intense pink color. It has an aromatic and distinctive aroma and a sweet, slightly aromatic taste that is soft and characteristic. The minimum alcohol content is 11%, with 4% residual sugar.
Finally, an interesting Malvasia di Casorzo Passito is also available, made from dried grapes. The color is dark ruby red and has an intense, complex and distinctive aroma and a sweet, soft and also distinctive flavor.
The latter pairs perfectly to the region's desserts.
The Malvasia grape is of ancient origin and is believed to have been imported from Greece. Its name must be derived from the small town of Monembasia south of Peloponnisos.
Marsilio Ficino, the greatest exponent of Platonism in the Renaissance, argued that a good glass of Malvasia was clearly the best medicine against the plague.
Today, the variety can be found in most Mediterranean countries and on the island of Madeira, in South Africa and California.
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