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Region: Piemonte

Freisa d’Asti DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: From dry to sweet
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11%
Storage potential: 2 years

Freisa is an old Piedmontse grape type, and as the name suggests, it is made from the grapes from the hilly areas in the Asti province. The wine is available as both dry and sweet.

Previously, this red wine was very widespread, but in recent years, the production has dropped, and perhaps it is also the Langhe zone a > one that finds the most interesting wines in this Freisa.

The color spans from cherry to garnet, and the bouquet has both notes of cherry and roses. The sweet version is fresh and pleasant, while the dry type is delicate and soft - especially if it has aged a little.

The dry type Freisa d'Asti pairs well with most dishes, while the sweet type is solely enjoyed with desserts.

If Freisa d'Asti is aged for one year, the label mentions Superiore and the wine must comply with the requirement of minimum 11.5% alcohol content.

To avoid that you come home with a sweet dessert wine for beef roast, notice the sweet type has 'Amabile' on the label, while the dry is indicated by 'Secco'. A very good idea.

Freisa d'Asti Amabile is also available as a fully sparkling Spumante and as a bubbly Frizzante.

Great dishes to have with Freisa d’Asti DOC

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