We've found 153 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Aperitif.
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Wine: Red wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Kind: Fra stille til mousserende
Taste: Sweet
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Malvasia is a grape of ancient origin and is believed to have been imported from Greece. Its name must be derived from the small town of Monembasia, south of Peloponnisos.
Marsilio Ficino, the greatest exponent of Platonism in the Renaissance, argued that a good glass of Malvasia was clearly the best medicine against the plague.
Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco is a sweet red wine, grown northwest of Asti. In many ways it resembles its cousin northeast of Asti, the dessert wine Malvasia di Casorzo d'Asti DOC .
This Malvasia wine is also a dessert wine, which is mainly made from the local variant of Malvasia, namely Malvasia di Schierano. This grape is grown in the Asti hills and is regarded generally as slightly less aromatic than the Malvasia variety used for cousin .
In addition to the grape Malvasia di Schierano (85-100%), it is permitted to use Freisa grapes (0-15%).
The result is a nice cherry colored wine, with a scent of fresh grapes. The flavor is sweet, slightly aromatic, distinctive and sometimes bubbly (Vivace). The minimum alcohol content is 10.5%.
A fully sparkling Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco Spumante is also available, with a minimum alcohol content of 11%.
Both types can be enjoyed with dessert.
That Italy in 2011 was the worlds largest wine producer?