Wine: White wine
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential
Gavi or Cortese di Cavi, one of Piedmont's most prestigious white wines is grown in Piedmont's southeast corner, just north of the border with Liguria, specifically in a hilly area around the town of Gavi, which includes 10 municipalities in the province of Alessandria.
The Cortese grape is known for its natural, high acidity, which gives the wine the familiar sharp dryness and fresh, flint-like flavor and bitterness that makes it so perfect for fish dishes. The grape is called coincidentally Cortese (100%), or locally Courteis, as rarely seen on the label.
The standard in this area is higher than for most other Italian white wines, and the list of talented producers is still growing, although there are still some anonymous and rather delicate Gavi wines on the market.
It is incredible to think that Cortese, until it reached its current level, was the basic grape of Asti Spumante, but in the 1950s serious winegrowers began to refine production and in the 1960s and 70s it was one of the most prestigious white wines in Italy.
The technique is still being developed and it now involves barrels which are used in aging for even more fruit in the wine.
Today, Cortese belongs to the top of the Piedmontse wine production, and the price level is at the corresponding level. The wine has a more or less straw color and a delicate and distinctive aroma, as well as a dry, fresh and balanced taste.
In all fairness, it should be mentioned that there is some disagreement about whether Cortese DOCG is overrated and, consequently, priced too high. Some believe that the wine is dull, anonymous and therefore difficult to place on the wine list, and that if one wants to get a more honest wine of the type of zone Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato DOC referring to price and quality, their opinion hangs in the balance. The assessment is subjective and there is probably nothing else to do than to test the claim itself.
If the label mentions Gavi di Gavi, it means that to white wine comes from the Gavi municipality.
A fully sparkling Cortese Spumante DOCG and a Frizzante are also available.
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