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Relais Divino
Region: Piemonte

Cortese dell’Alto Monferrato DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Light
Min. alcohol: 10%
Storage potential: No saving potential

This is a variation of white wine made from the local Cortese grape variety (85-100%) grown in the Asti and Alessandria provinces. In contrast to the dominant white Cortese di Gavi DOCG (or Gavi DOCG), this type involves the addition of up to 15% local non-aromatic white grapes.

The wine is light straw yellow with green reflections while the scent is delicate and characteristic of the grape. The taste is dry, balanced and slightly bitter finish.

Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato DOC is a good accompaniment of light appetizers or light meals in general, e.g. fish.

A fully sparkling Cortese dell'Alto Monferrato Spumante DOC and a semi-sparkling Cortese dell'Alto Frizzante DOC is also available. Both wines are enjoyed as appetizers or with desserts, depending on dryness or sweetness. 

The price of this Cortese based white wine is generally slightly lower than the price of the Cortese di Gavi DOCG (or Gavi DOCG), but this should not scare connoisseurs since the quality is on par with the big brother.

Great dishes to have with Cortese dell’Alto Monferrato DOC

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