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Region: Piemonte
Zone: Colli Tortonesi DOC

Colli Tortonesi Barbera Superiore DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 12.5%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 13 mos.
Storage potential: 3 years

This wine has the same grape composition as the non-barrel aged Colli Tortonesi Barbera DOC, namely Barbera (85-100%) with the permitted addition of up to 15% local non-aromatic blue grapes.

The color is dark ruby red and with age, obtains garnet reflections. The scent is vinous, persistent and characteristic.

Colli Tortonesi Barbera Superiore DOC is dry, sometimes bubbly (Vivace), round, full-bodied and with hints of wood from the barrel aging. It may be robust, but it decreases on storage, when it replaces fullness with softness.

The mandatory aging period is 13 months starting with November 1st of the harvesting year, of which minimum six months of aging in barrels.

A barrel aged Colli Tortonesi Barbera Riserva DOC is also produced with a mandatory maturation period of 24 months beginning on November 1st of the year of the harvest.

Great dishes to have with Colli Tortonesi Barbera Superiore DOC

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