We've found 179 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Shellfish.
Read moreActually, Trentino Superiore DOC is not really a sub-zone, but rather a term for wines of exceptional quality, where the requirements for soil, grapes and vinification are particularly strict. It is for this reason that we chose to present these wines as a distinct category.
The grapes of Trentino Superiore DOC are grown in a mountainous area comprising 72 winemaking municipalities in the province of Trento, especially in the valleys Valle dell’Adige, Valle di Cembra, Vallagarina, Valle del Sarca, Valsugana and Valle Giudicarie. The highest altitude of the vineyards is of 700 meters.
One of the reasons for the exception quality of these wines is the soil, which generally has a high content of limestone that provides good drainage and oxygen to the vine roots. In the lower areas, the rock and moraine deposits contribute to enhancing the quality of the soil.
Referring to climate, the wines from Trentino Superiore DOC have very different conditions, partly due to different altitudes and to their exposure to the sun. In this context, the lower areas are particularly favored, especially the fields close to Lago di Garda, which influences the area through mild and steady afternoon winds.
There are 24 different types of wine currently having Trentino Superiore mentioned on the label.
Learn more about Trentino DOC from the category dedicated to this zone.
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