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Alto Adige, Terlano DOC
Region: Trentino-Alto Adige
Zone: Trentino DOC
Subzone: Trentino Superiore DOC

Trentino Superiore Riesling Vendemmia Tardiva DOC

Facts about this wine

Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Semi sweet to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 15%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 1 years
Storage potential: 7 years

This aged dessert white wine is made from the same grapes as the non-aged Trentino Superiore Riesling DOC, namely Riesling (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes (0-15%), with the exception of Traminer aromatico, Moscato Giallo and Moscato Rosa.

Trentino Superiore Riesling Late grape harvest DOC is a more or less intense straw yellow to golden dessert wine. The scent is delicate and slightly aromatic, sometimes spicy, while the taste ranges from semi-sweet to sweet, mellow and harmonious.

Read more about the “Vendemmia Tardiva” method in the Italian Wine Guide Dictionary.

The mandatory aging requirement is one year, starting with November 1st of the harvesting year.

The wine can be enjoyed either with dessert, or simply during quiet moments.

Great dishes to have with Trentino Superiore Riesling Vendemmia Tardiva DOC

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