We've found 179 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Shellfish.
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Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Semi sweet to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 18%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 4 years
Storage potential: 8 years
Trentino Superiore Vino Santo DOC is a golden dessert wine made from the local Nosiola grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes (0-15%). However, the grape is usually complemented by Traminer Aromatico and Moscato Giallo.
The vineyards are part of the municipalities of Calavino, Cavedine, Lasino, Padergnone and Verzano, all in the province of Trento.
Before pressing, the grapes are hung to dry on special racks (Arele) and then are dried almost into raisins. The grapes are pressed before February 1st of the year following the harvest.
Read more about the principles behind Vino Santo in the Italian Wine Guide Dictionary.
Trentino Superiore Vino Santo DOC is a yellow, deep amber to brown dessert wine, sometimes with orange reflections. The scent is pleasant, harmonious, fine and delicate, often with hints of raisins, while the taste is pleasantly semi-sweet to sweet.
The mandatory aging period is 4 years, starting with May1st of the harvesting year.
The wine can be enjoyed with dessert, pastries, between meals or simply during quiet, meditative moments.
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