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Vinmarker med alperne i baggrunden, Trentino
Region: Trentino-Alto Adige
Zone: Trentino DOC

Trentino Rosso Riserva DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 12%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 2 years
Storage potential: 4 years

This red wine has the same grape combination as the non-aged type of Trentino Rosso DOC, namely Cabernet Franc and/or Cabernet Sauvignon and/or Merlot.

Trentino Rosso Riserva DOC is an intense ruby red wine, with an inviting, ethereal aroma, with woody notes. The taste is dry, full-bodied, balanced and slightly tannic.

The minimum mandatory aging period is 2 years, starting November 1st of the harvesting year.

The wine pairs well with sausages and vegetables, tripe soup, lamb, polenta and semi-soft cheeses.

Great dishes to have with Trentino Rosso Riserva DOC

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