We've found 46 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Salad.
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Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: From dry to sweetish
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 15%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 1 years
Storage potential: 7 years
This aged dessert wine has the same grape composition as the non-aged type, Trentino Superiore Castel Beseno DOC, meaning white Moscato Giallo grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes. (0-15%).
In order for the label to display the name Castel Beseno, the wine must be produced around the villages Calliano, as well as around the neighboring municipality of Besenello, located at the foot of the quite impressive and well-preserved medieval castle, Castel Beseno, in the province of Trento.
Trentino Superiore Castel Beseno Late harvest grape DOC is a straw-yellow to golden-yellow white wine, with a delicate, distinctive, sometimes spicy aroma. The taste, ranging from semi-sweet to sweet, is rich and aromatic.
Read more about the “Late harvest grape” method in the Italian Wine Guide Dictionary.
The minimum aging period is one year, starting with November 1st of the harvesting year.
This wine is a good accompaniment of cream desserts and spicy cheese.
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