The long, narrow valley of Valle Isarco, located Northwest of Bolzano, is formed by the millennium-old Isarco River and the riverbed it formed in the landscape. As the name suggests, Alto Adige Valle Isarco DOC is a sub-zone of Alto Adige DOC but it was an independent wine zone until 1993.
The vineyards surround the municipalities of Barbiano, Bressanine, Castelrotto, Chiusa, Fié, Furies, Laion, Naz-Sciaves, Renon, Velturno, Villandro and Varna.
Alto Adige Valle Isarco DOC, or Südtirol/Südtiroler Eisacktal/Eisacktaler DOC, produces seven white wines and one red wine.
Read more about the wines from Alto Adige Valle Isarco DOC (Eisacktal, Eisacktaler) by clicking i the top menu in the right side.
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