We've found 10 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Polenta.
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Wine: White wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential
As it appears from the name, the basic grape of this white wine is Riesling (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes (0-15%).
Alto Adige Terlano Riesling DOC is a white wine with a color ranging from greenish yellow to very light yellow. The scent is characteristic of the grape, and the taste is dry, full-bodies and harmonious.
This wine is also known as Alto Adige Südtirol/Südtiroler Terlano Riesling DOC. If the label mentions Classico, Klassisch or Klassisches Ursprungsgebiet, it means that the wine originated in the so-called classical part of the zone surrounding the cities of Terlano, Andriano and Nalles.
If the label mentions “Vigna” (Gewächs oe Wachstum), followed by the name of a place, it refers to a specific vineyard area or a “micro zone”.
The wine combines perfectly with fish and egg dishes, as well as with clear soups.
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