We've found 250 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Dessert.
Read moreAlto Adige Terlano DOC, or Südtirol/Südtiroler Terlaner DOC, has been a sub-zone of Alto Adige DOC since 2003. It's located on the hills around the town of Terlano, Northwest of Bolzano and the municipalities of San Genesio, Meltina, Tesimo, Nalles, Andriano, Appiano and Caldaro.
The zone produces nine types of white wine, all having the German name on the label. If the label mentions Classico, Klassisch or Klassisches Ursprungsgebiet, it means that the wine originates from the so-called classical part of the zone surrounding the cities of Terlano, Andriano and Nalles.
Read more about the wines from Alto Adige/Südtiroler Terlano DOC (Terlaner) by clicking i the top menu in the right side.
Italy extends over 10 latitudes – from continental climate to subtropical climate?