Wine: Rosato
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential
The rosé wine Alto Adige Pinot Nero Rosato DOC can be quite challenging to locate, since it can be found under several names, for instance Alto Adige Pinot Nero Rosé DOC, South Tyrol/Sydtiroler Pino Nero Rosato DOC Alto Adige Blauburgunder Kretzer DOC or Alto Adige Blauburgunder Rosé DOC.
Regardless of its name, the wine is made from the red Pinot Nero grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local red grapes (0-15%).
Alto Adige Pinot Nero Rosato DOC is a pink colored wine with a fruity, balanced and inviting fragrance. The taste is dry, harmonious and very inviting.
If the label mentions “Vigna” (Gewächs or Wachstum), followed by the name of a place, it refers to a specific vineyard area or a “micro zone”.
The wine is a wonderful accompaniment of sausages, bolliti (a local dish with boiled meat) or semi-hard cheeses.
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