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Region: Tuscany
Zone: Elba DOC

Elba Ansonica Passito DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: From dry to sweetish
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 15%
Storage potential: 5 years

This is a very interesting, sweet white wine, where the grapes, as is always the case with Passito types in Italy, are gently plucked and then dried, either open air or in specially designed drying rooms for a week prior to being pressed.

This vinification produces an intense straw yellow to amber dessert white wine, that has an ethereal and intense aroma, and a balanced taste that ranges from medium to very sweet.

The grape composition is the same as in the drier/sweeter Elba Ansonica, namely Ansonica (85-100%), to which other, local green grapes may also be added(0-15%).

Great dishes to have with Elba Ansonica Passito DOC

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