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Region: Tuscany
Zone: Pomino DOC

Pomino Bianco Vendemmia Tardiva DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Sweetish
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 12%
Storage potential: 2 years

This white wine uses the same grapes as in Pomino Bianco and Pomino Bianco Reserve, namely Pinot Bianco and/or Pinot Grigio and/or Chardonnay (70-100%), with permission to use additional, local green grapes (0-30%).

Pomino Bianco Vendemmia Tardiva's color ranges from straw yellow to amber. The wine has an intense, ethereal aroma and a harmonious, velvety taste.

The wine is released for sale after June 1 of the year after the harvest and goes well with desserts.

Great dishes to have with Pomino Bianco Vendemmia Tardiva DOC

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