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Region: Tuscany
Zone: Valdichiana DOC

Valdichiana Vin Santo DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: From dry to sweetish
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 15%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 3 years
Storage potential: 10 years

As is the tradition in Tuscany, each zone produces its own ”holy wine”, Vin Santo. In Valdichiana, the grapes Trebbiano Toscano and/or Malvasia Bianca (50-100%) are used, along with local green grapes (0-50%).

The grapes are delicately plucked and thereafter dried in custom drying rooms or in specially ventilated drying lofts. They are then vinified between December 1 of the harvest year and March 31 of the following year.

The result of all of these efforts is a dessert wine that color wise spans from straw yellow to amber and over to golden or a brownish yellow. The bouquet is warm, ethereal and characteristic. The taste is balanced, smooth and ranges from dry to sweet.

The mandatory aging is 3 years, of which a minimum of 24 months in oak barrels (caratelli).

There is also a Valdichiana Vin Santo Riserva, where the aging requirement is 4 years, 24 months of which must likewise be in oak barrels.

Both types must contain a minimum 15% alcohol concentration.

Goes quite well with dessert or for those quiet moments.

Great dishes to have with Valdichiana Vin Santo DOC

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