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Vinmarker omkring Montalcino, Toscana
Region: Tuscany
Zone: Colli dell’Etruria Centrale DOC

Colli dell’Etruria Centrale Vin Santo Occhio di Penice DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: From dry to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 16.5%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 3 years
Storage potential: 7 years

Behind this rather long name lies a red dessert wine made from the Sangiovese grape (50-100%), and with permission to supplement with local red grapes (0-50%).

The vinification must be done between December 1 of the harvest year and March 31 of the year following the harvest. The grapes are selected and gently plucked, after which they are dried in custom drying rooms. These can be specially ventilated rooms or old drying lofts, which have been used for this purpose for decades.

There are 4 versions of the wine: Abboccato (semi-sweet), Amabile (slightly sweeter than Abboccato), Dolce (sweet) and Secco (dry).

The color in this wine varies from an intense to light pink color. The aroma is warm and likewise intense. The taste is sweet, velvety and very well-rounded.

Colli dell’Etruria Centrale Vin Santo Occhio di Penice DOC is available in 4 version: Abboccato (semi-sweet), Amabile (slightly sweeter than Abboccato), Dolce (sweet) and Secco (dry).

The mandatory aging period is 3 years in small, oak barrels (Caratelli), and the alcohol concentration must be a minimum of 16.5%.

Can be served with dessert, but locally, this smooth, inviting wine is also enjoyed in quiet moments after a meal.

Great dishes to have with Colli dell’Etruria Centrale Vin Santo Occhio di Penice DOC

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