We've found 113 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Red meat.
Read moreVelletri DOC is, so to speak, in the midst of the largest DOC zone, Lazio Castelli Romani, but it is independent, having its own regulations. The wines come from vineyards in the municipalities of Velletri, Lariano and Cisterna, in the Latina province, in the southernmost extension of the Castelli Romani district.
The Roman historian and naturalist Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) wrote in one of his works that viticulture in Velletri had Etruscan origins, which meant that the vine branches were tied to trees of medium to high altitude. Interestingly enough, this cultivation system is still used by some small producers in the area.
In the 16th century, more than half of the wine consumed in Rome was produced in Velletri, so one can begin to comprehend the production capacity, when contemporary records show that supply of new barrels were so inadequate that the peasants were forced to reduce wine production by a third.
Today, large parts of wine consumed in Rome still come from the hills of Velletri DOC. Overall, there are two types of wine, a red wine and a white wine. Each type appears, however, in different variants. Especially the red one has potential, and in some vintages aging potential.
Read more about the wines from Velletri DOC by clicking i the top menu in the right side.
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