We've found 37 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Venison.
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Wine: White wine
Kind: Spumante
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11%
Storage potential: No saving potential
As in the case of the semi-sparkling Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa Bianco Frizzante DOC, this sparkling Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa Spumante DOC is a more or less dark, straw-colored white wine. The grape composition of this wine is the same used by its still version, namely Spergola (85%), which is the local name of the Sauvignon grape, with the permitted addition of up to 15% Malvasia di Candia grapes and/or Trebbiano Romagnolo and/or Pinot Bianco and/or Pinot Grigio. Malvasia di Candia Aromatica grape may also be added (0-5%).
Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa Bianco Spumante DOC has a fine, persistent foam, which can be obtained either through natural fermentation in the bottle (Metodo Classico), or through pressure tanks (Charmat).
The wine has a distinctive, pleasant and slightly aromatic scent, as well as a similarly distinctive, fresh, lovely, harmonious and persistent body.
The dry version can be served as an aperitif, while the sweet or sweetish ones are best enjoyed with dessert.
If the wine comes from the original, old portion of the zone (the entire municipality of Albinea, as well as parts of Viano, Scandiano, Casalgrande, Reggio Emilia and Castallarano), the label mentions “Classico”.
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