We've found 51 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Mature cheese.
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Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 12%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 2 years
Storage potential: 5 years
As with its unaged little brother, Donnici Rosso, this red can be quite refreshing, though barrel aging adds some fine elegance.
This wine is based on the same exotic combination of Gaglioppo (locally known as Magliocco or Mantonico Nero) (50-100%), Greco Nero (10-20%), Malvasia Bianca and/or Pecorello Bianco, Montonico Bianco, Greco Bianco (min. 20%) along with other local varieties (of which max. 10% may be white and 20% red grapes).
Its colour is varying shades of ruby red [some unclarity in the original - farven er veksler er rubinrød.AC] while its fragrance is vinous and agreeable. the taste is ample, dry and harmonious.
The obligatory aging period is 2 months beginning on the first of November of the harvest year, followed by 6 months barrel aging and a further 6 months refinement in the bottle.
That Italy in 2011 was the worlds largest wine producer?