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Info about Italian Wine Guide
Regions: 20 Zones: 172 Types of wine: 1283 Words in dictionary: 145
Wine for Stews?

We've found 189 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Stews.

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Ciri Marina, Calabria.
Region: Calabria
Zone: Donnici DOC

Donnici Rosato DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Rosato
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11%
Storage potential: 1 year

Donnici Rosato has a more or less intense pink colour. It has a characteristic and delicate bouquet together with a fresh, balanced taste.

The rosé is produced from the same grapes as the red, namely an exotic blend of Gaglioppo (known locally as Magliocco or Mantonico Nero) (50-100%), Greco Nero (10-20%), Malvasia Bianca and/or Pecorello Bianco, Montonico Bianco, Greco Bianco (min. 20%) and other local varieties (of which there may be max. 10% white and 20% red grapes)

Can be drunk throughout the meal.

Should be drunk young.

Great dishes to have with Donnici Rosato DOC

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