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Emilia Romagna landskab 2
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Zone: Bosco Elicio DOC

Bosco Eliceo Fortana DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Kind: Fra stille til mousserende
Taste: From dry to sweet
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential

This is a pretty special red Lambrusco type wine, usually produced as a semi sparkling Frizzante, with pronounced acidity.

Bosco Eliceo Fortana DOC is a more or less intense ruby red wine, with a pleasant scent and a dry, yet slightly sweet aftertaste. The taste is moderately sweet, slightly acid, and available, as previously mentioned, either as still, sparkling, or as a Frizzante type.

The wine is named after the grape it is made of, namely Fortana (or Uva d’Oro) (85-100%), with the permitted addition of other non-aromatic grapes (0-15%).

The dry type can be enjoyed with most meals, while the sweetish or the sweet type can be enjoyed with desserts. The locals enjoy the dry Bosco Elicio Fortana DOC with eels from the lagoon.

Great dishes to have with Bosco Eliceo Fortana DOC

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