We've found 130 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Pizza.
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Wine: Rosato
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential
This rosé uses the same grapes as Lamezia Rosso, those being Nerello Mascalese and/or Nerello Capuccio (30-50%), Gaglioppo and/or Magliocco (25-35%), Greco Nero and/or Marsigliana (25-35%9 along with other authorised grape varieties (0-20%).
The bouquet is delicate and the colour more or less intense pink. The taste is characteristic, vinous, dry and palatable.
Should be drunk young, matches well with most dishes.
Italy extends over 10 latitudes – from continental climate to subtropical climate?