Wine: White wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 12%
Storage potential: 3 years
The grape to be used for white wine Romagna Albana Secco DOCG is Albana (95-100%) with the permitted addition of other local green grapes (0-5%).
Romagna Albana Secco DOCG is a straw-colored wine which with age becomes more golden. The scent is typical for the Albana grape, which means that the wine is warm and balanced in flavor and light tannic due to the Albana grape’s thick skin. Its typical peach and apricot aroma is developed after 1-2 years, but will be more pronounced in the sweet Albana wines.
As mentioned in the section on Emilia-Romagna region, it would be disingenuous to pretend that the experts are convinced that the wine bliss, though some producers have gradually achieved excellent results, including due to modern and improved techniques.
Romagna Albana Secco DOCG goes well with fish dishes, risotto and other good dishes.
On the same grape, there are also produced four dessert wines: Romagna Albana Dolce DOCG, Romagna Albana Amabile DOCG, Romagna Albana Passito DOCG og Romagna Albana Passito Riserva DOCG.
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