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Emilia Romagna landskab 3
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Zone: Romagna Albana DOCG

Romagna Albana Passito DOCG

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Semi sweet to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 17%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 10 mos.
Storage potential: 5 years

In the hands of experts, Romagna Albana Passito DOCG tops the list as being one of Italy’s finest “passito’s”. As in the case of the other Romagna Albana versions, this dessert wine is made from the same grapes as the dry white wine Romagna Albana Secco DOCG, meaning the Albana grape (95-100%) with the permitted addition of local, white grapes (0-5%).

Romagna Albana Passito DOCG is made from semi-dried grapes, which back in the day were obtained in small boxes, wooden crates or special drying houses, a few months before Christmas. Today, more and more producers, however, leave the grapes to dry on the plant, so that the grapes can be attacked by the so-called “noble rot”.

The color is beautiful golden and it turns to amber with age. The wine has an intense, characteristic aroma, and a velvety flavor that is sweet or sweetish with notes of apricot, magnolia, honey and spice.

Romagna Albana Passito DOCG accompanies sweet desserts, cakes or herb cheese.

The mandatory aging period is minimum 10 months and the wine may be released for sale after September 1st of the year following the harvest.

The aging potential is 5 years or more.

Great dishes to have with Romagna Albana Passito DOCG

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