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Vinmarker med alperne i baggrunden, Trentino
Region: Trentino-Alto Adige
Zone: Valdadige Terradeiforti (Etschtaler) DOC

Valdadige Terradeiforti Pinot Grigio Superiore DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 12%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 10 mos.
Storage potential: No saving potential

This white wine is made from the same grapes as Valdadige Terradeiforti Pinot Grigio DOC, namely Pinot Grigio grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local white grapes (0-15%).

Valdadige Terradeiforti Pinot Grigio Superiore DOC is a straw-colored, often copper-colored wine, with a pleasant, fruity scent. The taste is dry, full-bodied, harmonious, distinctive and characteristic.

The mandatory aging period is of 10 months, starting with November 1st of the harvesting year.

Valdadige Terradeiforti Pinot Grigio Superiore DOC pairs well with fish dishes, soups and young cheeses.

Great dishes to have with Valdadige Terradeiforti Pinot Grigio Superiore DOC

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