We've found 113 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Red meat.
Read moreThe name Teroldego Rotaliano DOC refers both to the grape and to the formidable red wine, grown in one of the most beautiful areas of Italy. The terraced vineyards are located in the province of Trento, dotted with vines growing on espaliers, with the Alps forming a picturesque frame around the entire beautiful landscape.
The vineyards are located where the Adige river meets the Noce river, between Mezzolombardo and San Michele all’Adige, and on the great plain and vineyard Campo Rotaliano, often and with reason described as “the most beautiful vineyard in Europe.” The scenery is, actually, quite amazing, especially when taking the routes north and southwest, watching the majestic Alps rising as a protection against the cold winds around the vineyards bounded by the Adige River.
There is no confirmed evidence of the origin of the “royal wines” from Trentino, as Teroldego Rotaliano has been described for many centuries. However, experts put forward the hypothesis that the name derives from different tribes that lived in ancient times in Trentino and on the hills of Sorni.
Others claim that the name Teroldego is derived from the German term “Tiroler Gold” (Tyrolian Gold). According to recent etymological interpretations, it seems that the word “teer” (German for “tar”) specifically refers to one of the characteristics of the wine.
Teroldego Rotaliano was first mentioned in literature in the late 17th century, when the book “Trenti con il Sacro Concicilio ed Altri Notabili” (Trento and the Holy Council and Other Noteworthy Events) was published by the historian Michelangelo Mariani. In his book, Mariani presents a very positive assessment of the wine, especially that of the Rosato, for its excellent quality. There are other historical documents from the period when the wine became popular on the larger consumer market.
The Teroldego Rotaliano zone, which became DOC in 1971, has wines which vary from bright and light to powerful and concentrated, depending on the winemaker and the vintage. Unless one prefers light wines, the Teroldego Rotaliano Superiore Riserva DOC is probably the most interesting.
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