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Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Zone: Collio Goriziano DOC

Collio Goriziano Friulano DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential

Collio Goriziano Tocai Friulano DOC is quite a nice, light, straw-colored white wine, with lemony yellow hints. The scent resembles that of wild flowers and the aftertaste is slightly bitter. Even the ordinary Collio Goriziano Friulano daily wines are terrific acquaintances.

A handful of serious producers have lifted Friulano based wines to unprecedented heights, with a taste reminiscent of pear, licorice, herbs, peach and citrus. As if all this weren’t enough, these top wines also have a pleasant and (marvelous) long, velvety finish.

A barrel-aged Collio Goriziano Friulano Riserva DOC is also available, with a period of aging of no less than 2 years and 12% minimum alcohol content.

Enjoyed with various dishes.

Great dishes to have with Collio Goriziano Friulano DOC

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