We've found 46 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Salad.
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Wine: White wine
Kind: Fra stille til mousserende
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential
Valdadige Chardonnay DOC is a white wine made from the grape with the same name, namely Chardonnay (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local non-aromatic white grapes (0-15%).
This straw-colored wine has a pleasant and characteristic aroma, as well as a dry, harmonious and fresh taste.
If Valdadige Chardonnay DOC is made from grapes from the province of Bolzano, the German name, Etschtaler Chardonnay DOC, will often be included on the label.
The wine is a good accompaniment of local trout, snails, barley soup or soft cheeses.
In addition, a slightly sparkling Valdadige Chardonnay Frizzante DOC is also available, made from the same grape composition.
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