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Region: Apulia (Puglia)
Zone: Leverano DOC

Leverano Bianco Passito DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Semi sweet to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 15%
Storage potential: 5 years

This dessert wine is produced from the same grapes as the white wine Leverano Bianco DOC, meaning Malvasia Bianca (50-100%) and Bombino Bianco (0-40%), with the permitted addition of up to 30% other local, white grapes.

Before harvest, the grapes are subjected to drying on the vine, on crates or by dehydration through use of forced-air circulation in special rooms.

The result is a golden yellow to amber-yellow wine, with an intense scent and a characteristic, sweetish or sweet taste.

There is also a late harvested Leverano Bianco Passito Vendemmia Tardiva DOC.

Leverano Bianco Passito DOC is best enjoyed with desserts.

Great dishes to have with Leverano Bianco Passito DOC

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