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Regions: 20 Zones: 172 Types of wine: 1283 Words in dictionary: 145
Wine for Venison?

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VInmarker på Sicilia (Sicilien)
Region: Sicilia
Zone: Contea di Sclafani DOC

Contea di Sclafani Rosato DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Rosato
Kind: Fra stille til perlende
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 10.5%
Storage potential: No saving potential

This rosato is made from the grape Nerello Mascalese (50-100%), and additional, local red grapes (0-50%) can also be added.

Contea di Sclafani Rosato is a more or less dark, pink-colored wine, with an inviting, fine and fruity aroma. The taste is delicate, balanced, fresh and, at times, slightly sparkling.

Goes well with light meals.

All white and rosé wines are available as Spumante, where the second fermentation is either made according to the Metodo Classico  or the Metodo Martinotti (Charmat). The minimum alcohol concentration is 11.5%. The wine is enjoyed as an aperitif.

Great dishes to have with Contea di Sclafani Rosato DOC

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