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Region: Sicilia

Contea di Sclafani DOC

In addition to being the name of a wine zone in Sicily, Sclafani Bagni is also the name of a medieval city, which was established by the powerful Sclafani family on what was most likely a Byzantine settlement. Even though the city has changed hands several times over subsequent centuries, its name has never changed.

Contea di Sclafani received its DOC in 1996 and covers Scalfani Bagni in the Palermo province in the northwestern part of the island. The region covers 11 communes, including fields around the villages of Vallelunga, Pratameno and Villalba in the Caltanissetta province, and parts of Cammarata in the Agrigento province.

The geological and climatic conditions in the area have always been viewed as ideal for wine cultivation, but for many centuries, the feudal agricultural systems have favored quantity instead of quality.

In the 1970s, the grounds were sold and the new wine cultivators began to be interested in the quality-related aspects of their production, instead of just producing in bulk.

The first results were very interesting, and the winegrowers had begun a fight that has pushed them in two directions:

On the one hand, they are practically obsessed with everything that's new, such as the international grapes Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon, or experimental techniques imported from northern Italy, e.g. second fermentation or carbonated maceration for Novello wine production, etc. …

On the other hand, they feel obligated to carry on the traditional, local grape varieties, which are no longer blended together beyond recognition, but are now vinified separately, so that they can best express their individual character.

The zone has a rather ambitious wine list that includes about 21 types of wine, and one of the large landowners in the region is the Tasca d'Almerita family (known for their excellent IGT wine, Regaleali).

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