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Vinmarker i Salento med Adriaterhavet som kulisse, Puglia (Apulia)
Region: Apulia (Puglia)
Zone: Squinzano DOC

Squinzano Rosso Riserva DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 13%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 2 years
Storage potential: 8 years

Just as Squinzano Rosso DOC, this is a compelling high quality red wine, made from the grapes Negroamaro (70-100%) and Malvasia Nera di Brindisi and/or Malvasia di Lecce, Sangiovese. However, the Sangiovese grapes are used in a proportion of maximum 15%.

The wine is grown in the lower part of the heel tip of Apulia, around the Salento cities of Squinzano, San Pietro Vernotico, Torchiarolo and Novoli, as well as other smaller municipalities in the province of Lecce.

Squinzano Rosso Riserva DOC is an intense and distinctive wine, with a dry a full-bodied yet soft taste, which will develop strength with aging. It should be stored 5 years before being drunk.

The mandatory aging period is 2 years (of which 6 months minimum in barrels).

A rosé wine, Squinzano Rosato DOC, is also available.

Great dishes to have with Squinzano Rosso Riserva DOC

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