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Vinmarker med vulkanen Etna i baggrunden, Sicilia (Sicilien)
Region: Sicilia
Zone: Erice DOC

Erice Spumante Dolce DOC

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Kind: Spumante
Taste: Sweet
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 12%
Storage potential: No saving potential

This Spumante must contain the same grape composition as Erice Moscato and Passito, which is synonymous with the grape Zibibbo (Moscato di Alessandria) (95-100%), with permission to add local green grapes (0-5%). The second fermentation is done either according to Metodo Classico or the Martinotti method.

The color is straw yellow, the aroma aromatic and characteristic. The taste is likewise aromatic and harmonious, with an unusually lasting aftertaste.

Served with sweets.

There is also a dry Erice Spumante.


Great dishes to have with Erice Spumante Dolce DOC

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