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Vinmarker med Adriaterhavet i baggrunden
Region: Marche
Zone: Offida DOCG

Offida Passerina Spumante DOCG

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Spumante
Taste: Semi dry
Volume: Medium
Min. alcohol: 11.5%
Storage potential: 2 years

In 2011, this sparkling white wine obtained its DOCG status by which quality also increased. The wine is now Offida Passerina Spumante DOCG.

Offida Passerina Spumante DOCG is made from the same grapes as the dessert wine Offida Passerina Passito DOCG and the dry Offida Passerina DOCG , namely the local Passerina grape (85-100%) together with local non-aromatic white grapes (0-15%).

The production method is either the classical one (Metodo Classico) or pressure tank method (Metodo Martinotti).

The result is a lovely straw yellow wine, with golden reflections and persistent bubbles. The scent is inviting and slightly fruity. The taste is characteristic of the grape and it has a slightly tannic bite in the aftertaste.

Offida Passerina Spumante DOCG is either served as an aperitif or with sushi.

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