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Vinter i Marche
Region: Marche
Zone: Offida DOCG

Offida Rosso DOCG

Facts about this wine

Wine: Red wine
Taste: Dry
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 13%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 2 years
Storage potential: 10 years

Offida Rosso DOC (2001) received its DOCG classification in 2011 and at the same time, the already high quality increased even further and the grape composition changed as well.

Offida Rosso DOCG is a powerful and exciting red wine made from the Montepulciano grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local non-aromatic red grapes (0-15%). Most often, Cabernet Sauvignon is the additional grape.

It is a ruby red to garnet red wine, which has an inviting, extremely complex and slightly ethereal bouquet. The taste is inviting, harmonious, typical and characteristic of the grape variety. When young, it has a significant amount of tannins, but as the wine ages, it becomes soft, pleasant and fragrant.

The mandatory aging period for Offida Rosso DOCG is 2 years, starting on November 1st of the harvesting year at the earliest. Of this period, the wine ages 12 months in wooden casks and then it refines further by aging in the bottle for 6 months, after which it is released onto the market.

Offida Rosso DOCG has a great storage potential and it pairs well with heavy dishes and old cheese. As it ages, it becomes very soft and well suited for pork.

Great dishes to have with Offida Rosso DOCG

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