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Vin og hav, Pesaro, Marche
Region: Marche
Zone: Offida DOCG

Offida Passerina Vin Santo DOCG

Facts about this wine

Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 15.5%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 3 years
Storage potential: 8 years

Offida Passerina Vin Santo DOCG is a dessert wine made from the same grapes as the dry Offida Passerina DOCG and the sweet Offida Passerina Passito DOCG. Similarly to the dessert wine, this type is also made from partially dried grapes which are pressed at a certain moment between December 1st of the harvesting year and March 31st of the year following the harvest.

The grape composition consists of the local Passerina grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of local non-aromatic green grapes (0-15%).

Offida Passerina Vin Santo DOCG is a more or less dark, amber-colored wine with a distinctive aroma of dried grapes. It is an ethereal and intense wine, with a balanced, smooth taste.

The mandatory aging period is 36 months, of which 24 months in barrels.

Offida Passerina Vin Santo DOCG can be enjoyed either with desserts or simply in thoughtful moments.

Great dishes to have with Offida Passerina Vin Santo DOCG

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