We've found 73 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Quiet moments.
Read moreCarso DOC extends from the Adriatic coast, west of Slovenia, to south of Trieste and up to south of
Gorizia. The area includes the municipality of Doberdò del Lago, as well as parts of Monfalcone, Ronchi dei Legionari, Fogliano-Redipuglia, Sagrado and Savogna.
The zone is especially famous for its wines based on the Terrano grape, a variety from the Refosco grape. Recenty, the zone extended its range with wines from a special grape, Vitovska.
The name Carso, which is most likely of Celtic origin, means “rocky land”, which refers to the limestone in which the wind and the weather have torn, ripped and bitten millennium-old fissures and cracks. The zone is situated on a steep plateau that slopes down to the Adriatic Sea and which predominantly consists of lime white and chalky limestone mixed with sandy marl. The terrain is, therefore, rather porous, drained by underground water streams or springs, which have carved a network of underground caves – in fact, the world’s largest underground cave is found in Carso. The name, Grotta Gigante, is a very descriptive name.
The climate of Carso DOC is quite special: rough and violent storms often follow extremely mild periods, which in many ways fits the area. However, the climate changes dramatically as one move towards the sea. Within only a few hundred meters, the almost harsh plateaus acquire an almost Mediterranean-like atmosphere, with olive and pine trees.
Regarding the wine, it’s all about dry whites and reds.
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