We've found 391 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for White meat.
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Wine: White wine
Kind: Sweet wine
Taste: Semi sweet to sweet
Volume: Strong
Min. alcohol: 13%
Mandatory Storage: Min. 6 mos.
Storage potential: 5 years
This dessert wine is made of the same grape composition as the drier white wine, Contessa Entellina Ansonica. It is the grape Ansonica (85-100%), with permission to use local, non-aromatic green grapes (0-15%).
The grapes must not be plucked before October 1 in the harvest year, and they can also be dried slightly on the vine.
The wine is a dark, straw to golden yellow, and has an inviting and pronounced aroma, together with a velvety taste. The minimum alcohol concentration is 13%, and the required aging time is 6 months in an oak barrel.
The label will read either Amabile, Abboccato or Dolce.
Goes well with desserts.
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