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Wine for Pasta?

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Region: Basilicata

Terre dell'Alta Val d'Agri DOC

We had to wait as late as until September 2003 before Basilicata got its second DOC wine. It is the municipalities Viggiano, Grumneto Nova and Moliterno, in the Potenza province that hosts the new DOC appellation.

For some, the name Terre dell’Alta Val d’Agri DOC (meaning the fields in the upper part if the Agri Valley) approaches a breathalyze, however, the wine is produced in an area across the Agri Valley, in the southern part of the Basilicata.

The earliest evidence of wine production in this area dates back to the 5th century BC. Archaeological excavations in the ancient city Grumentum, a Roman colony from the 3rd century BC, revealed clear evidence of the use of furnaces for baking amforas, large ceramic pots used for the storage and transportation of wine.

Furthermore, ancient writings also confirm the fact that wine was produced in this area. 
The writings mention a wine named “Lagarina vina” produced in Grumentum, and they also describe its sweetness and therapeutic effect.

With its relatively modest production of so far only two wines, Terre dell’Alta Val d’Agri DOC has not been distinguishably noticed, but that may happen soon.

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