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This is a pretty special red Lambrusco type wine, usually produced as a semi sparkling Frizzante, with pronounced acidity.
Read moreAs the name suggests, the grapes used for this red wine are, not surprisingly, Merlot (85-100%), with the permitted addition of other non-aromatic grapes (0-15%).
Read moreColli Bolognesi Cabernet Sauvignon produceres på Cabernet Sauvignon (85-100%) med tilladelse til tilsætning af andre ikke-aromatisk druer (0-15%).
Read moreZola Predosa is a subzone of Colli Bolognesi where there are more stringent requirements for wine production than under the generic DOC title.
Read moreZola Predosa is a subzone of Colli Bolognesi where there are more stringent requirements for wine production than under the generic DOC title.
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