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Erice Rosso is a red wine which uses a combination of the grapes, Calabrese and/or Nero d’Avola (60-100%), with permission to use local, non-aromatic red grapes (0-40%).
Read moreErice Syrah is made from the Syrah grape (85-100%), with permission to add local red grapes (0-15%).
Read moreVittoria Nero d’Avola is a ruby red wine with flecks of violet. It's produced using that ubiquitous grape, Nero d’Avola (min. 85%) (also called Calabrese), with permission to add additional local, red grapes.
Read moreThe red wine Vittoria Rosso DOC is produced from the grape Nero d’Avola (also called Calabrese) (minimum 50-70%), together with Frappato (30-50%).
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