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7 wine(s) from Campania which are good for fish

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  • White Wine

    Asprinio di Aversa DOC

    Originally this straw yellow, Neapolitan white wine was served in bars as a local specialty, but the wine's positive development meant at it was classified as a DOC in 1993. Asprino di Aversa DOC is the original name, but it is also found under the name Aversa DOC.

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  • White Wine

    Fiano di Avellino DOCG

    Fiano di Avellino became a DOCG in 2003 (DOC in 1978) and can without reservation be categorized as some of the finest and most distinguished south Italy can offer in terms of white wine, despite tough competition from Greco di Tufo DOCG, its neighbor to the north.

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  • White Wine

    Greco di Tufo DOCG

    Greco di Tufo received its DOCG in 2003 (DOC in 1970), and is quite simply an excellent white wine. The production area includes eight communes in the northwestern part of Campania, and the wine takes its name from the little city, Tufo, centrally located in the middle of the zone.

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  • White Wine

    Taburno Coda di Volpe DOC

    The base grape's name, Coda di Volpe, means ”fox's tail” and is a local variety (85-100%), which producers lighter, non-complex, fruity and straw yellow wines. These characteristics are no exception in Taburno. In addition, local green grapes can also be used (0-15%).

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  • White Wine

    Taburno Falanghina DOC

    The main grape in this white wine is, not surprisingly, Falanghina (85-100%), and local green grapes may also be added (0-15%).

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