We've found 18 wine(s) in our Italian Wine Guide which are good for Pastry.
Read moreColli Maceratesi is located in the lower half of Marche, including the vineyards located throughout the Macerata province, in the coastal area of the Loreto municipality, in the Ancona province. Macerata is also a very beautifully situated city, with an exciting mix of antique and modern architecture.
Previously, white wines were produced exclusively in Colli Macerata, but when the zone received its DOC in 2001, it added red wines to the production list.
If you cannot seem to recall seeing wines from Colli Macerata, you are not wrong. These wines rarely find their way out of the area, but they can be featured nevertheless.
Colli Maceratesi is interesting from a culinary perspective, the zone’s cuisine being made for its wines. Visit, for instance, the coastal town of Porto Recanati, famous for the specially preserved “ciauscolo” sausage, which can make a great starter when served with bread.
The coastline’s many fish dishes are worth exploring, especially in the company of a chilled bottle of Colli Maceratesi Bianco.
Read more about the wines from Colli Maceratesi DOC by clicking i the top menu in the right side.
That Italy in 2011 was the worlds largest wine producer?