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3 wine(s) from Emilia-Romagna which are good for pastry

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  • Sweet Wine

    Colline di Oliveto Pignoletto Passito DOC

    Dessertvinen Colline di Oliveto Pignoletto Passito produceres på Pignoletto-druen (min. 85%) med tilladelse til tilsætning af andre ikke-aromatiske hvide druer.

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  • Sweet Wine

    Romagna Albana Dolce DOCG

    Romagna Albana Dolce DOCG has the same grape composition as the dry Romagna Albana Secco DOCG, meaning the Albana grape (95-100%) with the permitted addition of local, white grapes (0-5%). However, connoisseurs are most excited about the sweet versions of the Albana wine.

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  • Sweet Wine

    Romagna Albana Passito DOCG

    In the hands of experts, Romagna Albana Passito DOCG tops the list as being one of Italy’s finest “passito’s”. As in the case of the other Romagna Albana versions, this dessert wine is made from the same grapes as the dry white wine Romagna Albana Secco DOCG, meaning the Albana grape...

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