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This wine is made from the Barbera grape (85%), with the permitted addition of local red grapes (15%).
Read moreThis wine is made the local grape Bonarda Piedmontse (85-100%), which is the dominant grape in this wine, with the permitted addition of local red grapes (0-15%).
Read moreThis wine is made from the Piedmont ubiquitous grape Dolcetto (85-100%), with the permitted addition of other local red grapes (0-15%).
Read moreToday, French winegrowers would be probably blocking all roads into Paris if their president did the same, but according to legend, Henry IV, King of France, rode through the Val di Susa in the early 1600s and on this occasion he enjoyed the area's then sweet red wine.
Read moreThis red wine is made from the Piedmont grape Freisa (85-100%), which dominates, with the permitted addition of local red grapes (0-15%).
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