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The main grape used for the semi-sparkling Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC is Lambrusco Grasparossa (85-100%) and/or other Lambrusco varieties and/or Fontana and/or Malbo Gentile grapes or other varieties (0-15%).
Read moreThis semi-sparkling ruby red to purple colored red wine is grown in 13 municipalities around Modena, including the city of Santa Croce, in the north.
Read moreReggiano Lambrusco Salamino DOC is a red wine grown in the municipalities of Reggio Emilia, Rubiera, San Martino in Rio, Rio Saliceto, Campagnola, Rolo, Fabrico, Bagnolo in Piano, Guastalla and Novellara.
Read moreReggiano Rosso DOC is a red wine grown on the vineyards of the municipalities of Cadelbosco Sopra, Montecchio, Campegine, Sant’Ilario d’Enza, Gualtieri and Cavriago.
Read moreDe fleste italienske vin-freaks vil genkende druen Sangiovese fra Toscana, hvor den spiller en afgørende rolle i adskillige af regionens vine. I Emilia-Romagna kan Sangiovese (85-100%) kun i få tilfælde måle sig med naboregionens bud på vine fra denne drue, men så gør de det til gengæld også godt.
Read moreThat Italy in 2011 was the worlds largest wine producer?