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26 wine(s) from Emilia-Romagna which are good for shellfish

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  • White Wine

    Colli di Parma Sauvignon Riserva DOC

    Colli di Parma Sauvignon Riserva DOC has the same grape composition as the non-barrel aged Colli di Parma Sauvignon DOC, meaning Sauvignon grapes (95-100%), with the permitted addition of other local, non-aromatic grapes (0-5%).

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  • White Wine

    Colli di Rimini Rébola DOC

    This type of dry white wine is made from the local Pignoletto grape (85-100%), with the permitted addition of other local white grapes, such as Biancame and/or Mostosa and/or Trebbiano Romagnolo (0-15%).

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  • White Wine

    Colli Piacentini Ortrugo DOC

    Den lokale drue, Ortrugo (90-100%), giver imødekommende og behagelige hvidvine. Farven er lys strågul tenderende mod grøn-gul. Der er tilladt tilsætning af op til 10% andre ikke-aromatiske druer.

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  • White Wine

    Colli Piacentini Sauvignon DOC

    Denne til tider intense strågule hvidvin laves på Sauvignon-druen (85-100%) med tilladelse til at benytte lokale ikke-aromatiske grønne druer (0-15%).

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  • White Wine

    Colli Romagna Centrale Bianco DOC

    Despite that the locals are crazy about their sweet and sweetish wines, there is always room for the dry white wines of Colli Romagna Centrale DOC. The Colli Romagna Centrale Bianco DOC is one of them and it is made from Chardonnay grapes (50-60%) and Bombino and/or Sauvignon Blanc grapes...

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